Engaged in the alchemy of analogue photography, Christopher produces abstract silver-gelatin prints.

The foundation of his practice uses scorched glass slides and a traditional photographic enlarger to craft meticulous, hand-made, unique prints—each a singular creation inviting exploration of chaotic serendipity and deliberate composition.

Christopher's inspiration emanates from the cultural tapestry surrounding artefacts and the art of creation, with a particular reverence for the precise approach inherent in traditional Japanese craftsmanship.

Each stage of the print-making process is approached with a ritual-like consideration, infusing purposefulness into the practice.

He works from the darkroom studio in Nottinghamshire, UK.

The art of the practice.

Christopher is consistently developing experimental collections, pushing his creative boundaries and exploring new ideas. However, for him, the true art lies in the practice itself.

Currently, he is actively cultivating two ongoing series of works—“Nenshō” and "Kenkyona"—each serving as a perpetual celebration of the artisanal process itself.


The original format.

48cm x 58cm prints—each a unique piece that transcends the ordinary. Effortlessly turning any room into a haven of aesthetic distinction, these prints serve as a captivating focal point.

Negative space supports the raw-edged print area in a slightly top-heavy composition that captivates the viewer, akin to observing a portrait. The maker’s mark is visible to the lower right.


The personal format.

19cm x 23cm prints—each a unique piece drawing you in. Transform any space into a haven of personal connection, where these one-of-a-kind prints become captivating artefacts, inviting you to explore their individual stories.

A lower-offset organic border encases the print area giving each piece a tangible quality drawing the viewer into an intimately engaging experience. The maker’s mark is visible in the lower right.

Production and Release...

These prints are crafted by hand, in small batches.

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